Annique Goldenberg
above photo credit: Claire Dibble
Using the transformative and connective properties of water, both literally and metaphorically, Annique Goldenberg creates multimedia sensorial works imbued with stories of human relationships to water. Influenced by her personal experience of the High Arctic in a 2017 residency in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, Goldenberg’s practice seeks to evoke a personal and embodied ecological consciousness by placing both herself and the viewer firmly in the landscape of her site specific installations.
Annique has presented her Arctic projects at the Arts Libraries Society / Australia and New Zealand (Arlis/ANZ) biannual conference, held at the Queensland State Library in Brisbane in 2020. Watch her presentation here.
She also recently spoke at the Art in the Pub series, organized by the Byron School of Art and Contemporary Artspace & Education inc, information for which is found here.