Barbara Crawford
Virginia artist Barbara Crawford has exhibited in over 50 solo, invitational and juried shows, nationally and internationally. Her work focuses on the workings of memory in her contemplations of the landscape and sacred places. She has been a participating artists/explorer for The Arctic Circle, a Visiting Artist at the American Academy in Rome, at the Tyrone Guthrie Center for Creative Art, Ireland, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts and the Scuola Internationale di Grafica, Venice, Italy, the Cite’ International des Arts in Paris, France and a research fellow at the Virginia Foundation for Humanities and Public Policy. Her published work is on the material culture of 18th and 19th century Rockbridge County, VA. She also served as Associate Director of Education and Exhibits at the Jackson House Historic Museum, Lexington, VA.
In 2009 she was Cy Twombly’s assistant for the creation of The Ceiling for the Louvre, Paris.
She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Vermont College and a Master of Arts from James Madison University.
She is professor of Art and Art History at Southern Virginia University.